Wednesday, December 16, 2009

amigos de lejos

El viaje tiene el aliciente de la impaciencia en su preparacion, del lento discurrir por sensaciones nuevas y la nostalgia del recuerdo

un email de una amiga:)

Hola Alexandra,

Entiendo muy bien lo que dices. Hace 18 meses que regresé...yo, que tan difíciles se me hicieron aquellos primeros meses de mi vuelta a esta Europa que sólo piensa en si misma hoy sin embargo me he acostumbrado a su seguridad y a su comodidad.Lo valoro mucho y quizá por eso no me quejo...Creo que es porque en una gran ciudad como Londres la vida pasa muy deprisa y vas del trabajo a las clases y a casa...y en mi tiempo libre siempre tengo los museos, la vida cultural de Londres.Necesito volver a viajar...para no acostumbrarme a la comodidad!...porque Europa te atrapa con sus encantos.Nos acostumbramos a tenerlo todo. Cuando me llegan cartas y blogs de otros viajeros, cuando miro fotos es entonces como un despertar...entonces me paro a recordar los lugares y las gentes...recuerdo como se vive en eso lugares en guerras, sin agua, sin luz, las dificultades por ser mujer...Y entonces se que debo emprender viaje. No un viaje eterno, sin limites como fue el anterior, porque quiero tener raíces en un lugar y tener una casa, una familia, un trabajo y soy consciente de que tengo una deuda con esta sociedad europea que me dio la posibilidad de viajar...sino un viaje de dos, tres meses, que me permita volver a ver el mundo y no olvidar. Acabo de recibir unas fotos por e-mail de una reunión familiar y he visto a mi padre muy envejecido desde que ahora hace un año sufrió una embolia. Aunque se ha recuperado no es el mismo. Los meses siguientes a su enfermedad, cuando aun andaba entre médicos y visitas al hospital, la enfermedad y la posibilidad de la muerte estuvo siempre presente en la familia. Fue como un aviso que nos hizo pararnos a reflexionar...pero con los meses parece que lo hemos olvidado. En Londres hay fiebre, pero no la fiebre como enfermedad, sino la fiebre de comprar. El pasado sábado se cerró Oxford Street al tráfico para que la gente pudiera comprar. Se gastaron en un solo día 300.000 libras. Los periódicos decían:'un bolso de marca que en Europa cuesta 700€ aquí solo 500€'...y la gente compra y compra. Y hay muchos españoles e italianos ahora que la libra esta igual que el euro.Todos los juguetes son 'made in China' y la ropa de la cadena 'Primark' donde todos compran a precios bajos esta hecha en Bangladesh o India, donde les pagan 8 peniques por hora. Recuerdo esto a la gente y me responden que por lo menos tienen trabajo gracias a nosotros. Cuando viajaba la Navidad tenía un sentido muy especial para mí. Sin grandes celebraciones, con la gente que luchaba día a día por sobrevivir, siempre mantuve la esperanza de que el nuevo año nos trajera un mundo mejor. Que la situación había que cambiarla desde Europa.Pero aquí nada les interesa. Han alcanzado los 100 soldados ingleses muertos en Afganistán. Esa noticia con las fotos de los soldados la publicaron en todos los periódicos. Ese día un atentado en Bagdad dejó más de 100 muertos y 200 heridos. Apenas unas líneas. Ya ni se acuerdan.Y si se te ocurre mencionarlo en el trabajo a nadie le interesa. Van sonrí tiene tiempo para pararse a pensar. Si lo hicieran quizá verían que su vida esta vacía. Recuerdo cuando en la ultima Navidad de mi viaje entré en Siria, en Aleppo y en el barrio cristiano vi las iglesias, y el árbol, las luces... y me emocioné. Y mi comida fue un panecillo en el mercado y unos dulces que me ofrecieron en la guest house más humilde de Aleppo. Pero creo que despues del viaje vosotros encontrareis el sentido de la Navidad.
Un abrazo, xxx

Friday, June 19, 2009

a quote along the way

"Man's sensitivity to beauty grows as he gets closer to happiness. In beauty, all things find their justification, their raison d'être. We conceive a beautiful thing such as it is. A painting or a landscape delights us to such an extent that we can not imagine them in any other way but what they are.To place the world under the sign of beauty is to assert that it is as it should be. Then all is glorious harmony, and even the negative aspects of existence do nothing but increase its glory and charm.Beauty will not bring us salvation, but it will bring us closer to happiness."

i dont know who wrote it but it reminds me of the following prhase:" beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

a poem i wrote 4 years ago....old times

Goobye to the self!

A light shouting in your mind!

The presence of loneliness is coming from behind.

And what is it silence if not a cure?

Spoken forever, never listened for sure.

I really hurt you with my pain!

No silly arguments to reduce or restrain

I feel that " you coming" is just an excuse

Forever tempted but never induced.

And what are your words if not a trial

Keeping you waiting seduced in denial.

I am a madman forever exposed

My heart is not beating, i am tired and closed.

I am the moon that is clearing your sky

My night is just coming but your the one that died

Don't keep me waiting with flowers and rimes!

I will forget you as soon as time comes.

You are a wanderer and i am the quest

Who cannot judge you has lost my request

For all those who wonder where their soul is,

I will just tell them: forget that I is.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I have visited Iran in 2008 and since then I have become in love with this country, its culture and the people there. To be honest it is the country that most surprised me and that maybe I have enjoyed due to the great hospitality and friendliness that I encountered there. After just 2 months spent in the country I feel that I want to go back to enjoy and explore the secret wonders that are hidden there but also to enrich my heart with the warmth of the people there. I have started to read books about it, to search information, and to search even the delicate and discreet company of Iranians. They are polite, respectful, trustworthy with hearts of poets. I really do not know why I have such an attraction towards this land and I have to admit that every time an Iranian starts to speak to me in Farsi I feel a strange emotion, a sudden desire to understand this beautiful language, to enjoy its secrets and its poetry.

As I always say to my friends this land is strange but beautiful, it contains so much black(the oil, the chadors) but also so much light and color(the most beautiful blue in the color of the mosques, colorful flowers, fruits, carpets, miniature, vails).

For an interesting read I can recommend you Hafez poetry. A systemic representation of key concepts is found in the mystical poetry of Hafiz- Shams-ud-din Mohammad Hafiz Shirazi is a well known mystic-poet philosopher of the 14th century Iran (approximately 1320-1389). He is known as Khajeh Hafiz (The Master Memorizer of Quran), Losan-ul-ghyb (The Tongue of The Hidden), Tarjomanul-Asrar (The Interpreter of Secrets).

More about Iran soon

"Open my grave when I am dead, and thou shalt see a cloud of smoke rising out from it; then shalt thou know that the fire still burns in my dead heart -- yea, it has set my very winding-sheet alight."
"If the scent of her hair were to blow across my dust when I had been dead a hundred years, my mouldering bones would rise and come dancing out of the tomb."
"I have estimated the influence of Reason upon Love and found that it is like that of a raindrop upon the ocean, which makes one little mark upon the water's face and disappears."


Voice for Iranian people! Azadeh!

This is a post in support to all my Iranian friends that hope for a change!!!!!!!!!

The 2009 Iranian presidential election was held on 12 June 2009 in Iran,[1] the tenth presidential election to be held in the country.[2] The President of Iran is the highest official elected by direct popularly vote, but does not control foreign policy or the armed forces. Candidates have to be vetted by the Guardian Council, a twelve member body consisting of six clerics (selected by Iran's Supreme Leader), and six lawyers (proposed by the head of Iran's judicial system and voted in by the Parliament).[3]
With two-thirds of the votes counted, the Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran's official news agency, announced that incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had won the election with 66% of the votes cast.[4] Mir-Hossein Mousavi received 33% of the votes cast.[5][6] The European Union said it was "concerned about alleged irregularities" during the vote[7], and many international observers expressed doubts about the authenticity of the results.
Mousavi issued a statement saying, "I'm warning that I won't surrender to this charade," and he urged his backers to fight the decision as well as to avoid committing acts of violence.[8] Protests, in favour of Mousavi and against the alleged fraud, broke out in Tehran. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged the nation to unite behind Ahmadinejad, labeling his victory as a "divine assessment".(wikipedia)

Yesterday was a very important day for Iranians all around the world and not only in Iran. I had the oportunity to join some of them and manifest in front of the Iranian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and also to go to the gathering hold in the campain offices for Mousavi.

I have seen sad and very serious faces of young people. Young people like us with hopes for a better future, with love for their home land and unfortunatly yesterday hasnt been a good day. There are serious claims that the elections in Iran have been frauded and i have been witness to confesses from people that were in the elections and that told me that the number of the votes has been reversed and that Mousavi is the real winner in this year elelctions.

I have compassion for all my friends in Iran and hope that they will face soon a better future ! Iran is a surprising and impressive country and the people there deserve a chance to freedom of choice.

Good luck my friends!Azadeh!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

cu tâlc

Cred in descatusarea mintii si a sufletului, in pata de culoare care ne lumineaza ochii in fiecare zi ,amprenta lasata de sentimentul implinirii pe care il simtim traind. Viata noastra nu se limiteaza la a merge , respira si manca ci ea este mai profunda desi nu apucam sa ii atingem zilnic toate profunzimile si tâlcurile. Acest lucru se intampla numai in momentele de contemplare ale vietii, momente pe care le cream din dorinta si nevoia de a ne simti speciali si de a simtii ca ceea ce ni se intampla este special. Suntem tacuti cateodata cu noi insine, insa cuvintele ne curg in fata celorlalti iar alte dati suntem tacuti fata de ceilalti si impartasim in interior nenumarate impresii si vise. Poate acela este momentul cand reusim sa visam cu ochii deschisi, sa ne interpunem intre noi din punct de vedere material si visele noastre. Mi-ar place sa cred ca suntem vizionari, ca avem proiectii ale unui viitor mai placut insa acest viitor il proiectam traind in prezent si poate si necrezand in materializarea acestui viitor. Unii am vrea sa traim acum viitorul iar altii am vrea sa ne retraim trecutul dar de fapt nu putem trai decat acum, nu putem mirosi decat acum nu putem rememora decat acum. Va spun toate aceste lucruri pentru ca acum este cald, si pentru ca am vrea sa fim intr-o gradina racoroasa asa ca La Tiganci si asa ne-am trai noi prezentul stand asezati pe un sezlong cu ceaiul rece asezat pe msauta din stanga noastra. Cu picioarele intinse si mintea relaxata am incepe sa proiectam vise. Cred ca asta inseamna a visa cu deschisi , pentru ca pretextul gradinii racoroase il putem gasi si intr-o clipa de relaxare la birou sau in drum spre casa sau intr-un weekend alaturi de prieteni. Noi suntem oameni pentru ca realizam asta si pentru ca putem sa fim asa cum am vrea, important este insa sa vrem , sa vrem cu tot dinadinsul sa ne vedem pe noi facand lucruri si sa le impartasim celorlalti ardoarea noastra. Si din toate astea ma gandesc cat de important este sa visam si sa fim visati de ceilalti. Oare cum ar fi sa stii ca esti in visele cuiva, ca faci parte din proiectia cuiva in visul sau de fericire. Mda...e intradevar placut sa visam despre vise. Si cu toate astea realizam ca visam acum si ca nu visam maine ci visam poate despre maine. Suntem simpli ca visam dar suntem si complexi prin faptul ca realizam ca visam. Sa fim onesti deci cu noi si nu asprii si tristi. Sa fim devotati vietii si iubirii si nu urii si pieirii. Si seara vine in gradina noastra si vom continua sa visam dar cu ochii inchisi. Si vom vedea culori si simboluri neclare , vom simtii imbratisari pierdute si zambete ascunse, vom auzi in visul noptii soapte si chemari, dar vom continua sa ne dormim visul. Nu vreau decat sa va spun ca putem sa ne traim viata frumos, sa respiram aerul diminetii si sa ne simtim proaspeti. Fiecare zi petrecuta traind nu e o zi trecuta sau pierduta ci e o zi noua cu oportunitati, iluzii, vise, prieteni vei simti mereu caldura si raceala totodata dar numai daca vei vrea sa simti si in final nu te anula pe tine insuti ci observa viata si traieste-o, simte vantul care iti adie prin par in zilele tale libere, simte briza marii in vacanta, simte apropierea familiei si a prietenilor si iubeste de fapt sa traiesti.

que es la vida en un blog?!:)

hola, hello, salut!

there was a time when a pen and a sheet of paper were the only things you needed to say to yourself "i could be a writer", but today the whole picture might come as a step back towards achieving aknowledgment, so now the true power resides in making yourself known to the world by writing a blog. I always felt that by getting my words on the computer i can't seem to picture them in my own head; writing feels more like painting in my mind the whole picture of the story that i want to tell, so it might not be surprising that what I write is not always what i have in i guess this explains a bit why there can be so many missunderstandings while reading a blog........a blog is not real even if u try to make it seem real; a blog is made of ideas and concepts told in different ways with different points of view and perceptions but never as the whole truth.

ok...that was a bit strange but anyway to all my friends, amigos and readers of blog material, this is hello and wellcome to my is an introduction to a virtual world, a computer to computer travel, the only way to share partial information worldwide at a huge scale the only way to tell a story without spectators, a written "radio șanț" as my romanian friends will understand.

i am alex, i always felt a bit strange about this name (my parents wanted to call me xandra or sandra-i was even more happy they didn't) and felt even stranger in muslim countries where everytime they told me <...ohhh but this is a man's name......>yeah i know alexander the great was famous...and i am not. In english speaking environments i heard many people complaining that it is so ugly when someone is using always the first person pronoun "i" to begin a i feel quite strange towards this complaint due to the fact that in my knowledge english language does not have another pronoun that can say the same thing why complain about a big "I" when there is nothing you can do to change spanish we use jo, italian io, romanian eu, french je.In my opinion a big I does not imply a big ego.

So after all this sorted out i will tell you that i intend for the first time in many years to keep a discipline for the sake of this blog. I am travelling around the world for 5 years, with so many things happening everyday, with so much knowledge acumulated and i feel a blog could be an anthropologic study of my own life, of how i shift ideas, opinions, places and people, of how i make my move around this chess table that is the globe. I will also tell you a secret...i am not a good chess player....i was when my grandfather was giving me the oportunity to win.....but i can loose and when i loose i feel like a winner because life and earth teached me another lesson.
